The screw feeder can convey powder and granule material from one machine to another. It's efficient and convenient. It can work in cooperation with the packing machines to form a production line. So it is widely used in packaging line, especially semi-auto and automatic packaging line. U asosan sut kukuni, oqsil kukuni, sut choy kukuni, oziq-ovqat, glyukoza kukuni, pestitsid, lazzat, xushbo'y, xushbo'y, xushbo'y, xushbo'y, xushbo'y, xushbo'y narsalar va boshqalar.
Vintli konveyer ovqatlantirish vosita, vibricri motor, hopper, naycha va vintdan iborat. 45 daraja zaryadlash burchagi va 1,85 m balandlikdagi standart model. Imkoniyat hajmi 2m3 / soat 2 m3 / h, 5 m3 / h, 8 m3 / h va boshqa tezlikda. Boshqalar sozlanishi mumkin.

The screw feeder moves the product upward through a completely closed helical rotating shaft. The speed of the screw body is higher than that of the ordinary screw conveyor. Sandrakka kuchlari ta'siri ostida, etkazilgan materiallar va korpus ishqalanish hosil qiladi, bu esa vida pichoq bilan aylanishi va material muammosini engib o'tishni oldini oladi. Falling gravity, thus realizing the inclined or vertical conveying of materials.
C.BY Vakuum konveyeri

Vacuum feeder unit is using whirlpool air pump extracting air. The inlet of absorption material tap and whole system is made to be in vacuum state. The powder grains of material are absorbed into the material tap with ambient air and formed to be the air flowing with material. Passing the absorption material tube, they arrive to the hopper. The air and materials are separated in it. The separated materials are sent to the receiving material device. Nazorat markazi materiallarni boqish yoki tushirish uchun pnevmatik uchlik varevning pnevmatik uchligi variantini nazorat qiladi.
In the vacuum feeder unit the compressed air opposite blowing device is fitted. When discharging the materials every time, the compressed air pulse oppositely blows the filter. Filtr yuzasiga biriktirilgan kukun normal yutish materialini ta'minlash uchun puflanadi.
Mexanik bo'shliqni etkazib berish, mexanik hajmli va aralash materiallar tarkibiga qarab, bo'shliqqa va aralash materiallar va aralash material tarkibiga kirishni oldini olish uchun pnevmatik em-generatori. blender automatic feeding device of choice.
Vintli konveyer va vintli ekinni taqqoslash
Asosiy kamchiliklar:
So vacuum feeders and screw feeders each have their own applicable scenarios and limitations. Qaysi oziqlantiruvchi moddiy moddiy xususiyatlar, ishlab chiqarish muhiti va ishlab chiqarish samaradorligi talablari kabi omillarga asoslangan holda har tomonlama ko'rib chiqilishi kerak.
O'tish vaqti: Mar-06-2025